Published: 07:37 AM, 19 April 2024 Last Update: 10:25 AM, 19 April 2024
(Characters: Rosie, Masie, Selina, Lilly, Lola, Ella, Anna, Izzy, Katie, Bailey, Micheal, Mike, James, Jordan, Adam, Frank, Serut, Denis, Kayden and Warren.)
There were twenty teenagers, willing to join a game called‘Who Is The Murderer?’.
It is a game where one person will bethe killer, and the rest of the people are victims. Each night, the murdererwill kill one of the victims and each morning, the rest will vote out who theythink is the killer, once someone is voted out, they will be KILLED, If onlyone victim is left with the murderer, they die as the murderer killed almosteveryone. They will win one milliondollars. If the murderer has died (been voted out), the remaining victims willget one million dollars each.Now,letthegamebegin.
It is 12am, all twentyteenagers have arrived to the big cabin where they will be living, sleeping,killing and dying in. There are ten boys, ten girls. The girls will be on theleft side whereas the boys will be on the right. Each night, one of them isdead, each morning, one of them is going to be killed. They have joined for the money, only money. They still don’t know the consequences, yet.
“Finally, I’m here! I have to win money, although thisgame name seems odd.” Exclaimed
“As if you’re gonna win, barbie wannabe, imaginedressing up in hot pink. Hahaha!” Said
“Don’t fight now! We just came in.”Said Lola quietly. “Shut up.” Replied Rosie.
A voice suddenly appeared, saying
“Welcome to Who Is TheMurderer. The rules to the game is each one of you will have a role, eitherinnocent or murderer, only one murderer though. One of you are dead at night,and same at morning. Your roles will be given after this speech, do NOT tellanyone your roles, you will instantly die. We are watching. Goodluck to youall.”
“OH HELL NAH I AIN’T DOING THIS!” shouted Lilly. Absolutely no one cared, she couldn’t run out, the door has been locked already, as the gamebegun. They have received their roles, and one will be the evil one. Thevictims will not be able to find any clues, as they will be gone by the timethey are all awake. It is 2am now, everyone is in a deep sleep. The murdererhas woke up, ready to kill someone in order to win. The first one to die, was agirl. A girl named Izzy. Stabbed in her chest, 10 times. No scream has beenheard, Izzy didn’t know she was going to be killed, she couldn’t even scream,her lungs were getting damaged each time the knife went through her body. She hasdied and the killer went back to bed, the knife disappeared as no clues wereallowed. Finally, it is 10am, all of the people have woken up, glad they arealive. They didn’t notice Izzy’s body at first as they was praising god theyare still here. Izzy’s body was also on the top of the bunk bed, so no onecould really see it until someone found her body.
shouted Anna.
“I wanna vomit…” mumbledMasie. They all was discussing who the killer would be but, Ella saw Franksmirking the whole time as if he killed Izzy.
“Uhhh guys Frank lookslike he did it, he’s smirking creepily. He’s been smirking since Izzy’s bodywas seen.” Said Ella. Franks smile disappeared into thin air looking scared.Because of this thing Ella said, Frank has been voted out.
“Oh my god.. Why? I just smirked! Oh goodness, OH GOODNESS I’M GOING TO HEAVEN. AHHHHHHH!” screamed Frank. A voice said: “Incorrect, Frankwas a victim. The murderer is still here.”
It is now only 18 of them left, the murderer is stillalive. Who knows who will be next. Well,
the murderer does…
It is now the next night, Ella wasvery, very, VERY ashamed of herself. Everyone in their beds were shivering,thinking they were the next one to be gone. Into heaven, maybe hell? Who cares, it’s been 2 hours, the killer hasdecided to kill Jordan next in 2 minutes, since everyone might wake up easily.The time has arrived, the time Jordan will die. The killer has been given a gunby the host, rather than a knife. PEW PEW, instead of one bullet to his head,two bullets. The rest of them didn’t hear as the host blocked their ears. Thekiller quickly went back to bed, with her gun back to the host. Evil host.Morning has arrived, the sun didn’t shine, instead it seems to have died.Everyone awake, it was Mike who found the body.
“Holy crap! Jordan died, he is bleeding way too much. He has two holes in his head..”
Remarked Mike.
“Ew…” Whispered Masie and Bailey at the same time.
“Alright, I honestly think it isSelina, she is very quiet, but most of us have been, but like still! Selinahasn’t done anything, She’s been sitting on the bed ever since. It’s like she’slooking at us deciding who to kill!” Cried out Warren.
“HUH!? So what, justcause I’m not talking doesn’t mean it’s me. I’m just tired that’s it! Likeseriously every morning you all talk soloud it gives me a headache!” stated Selina. Some people believed her, somedidn’t. Majority of them voted Warren and the rest voted Selina. Warren hasbeen killed straight away,
“YOU IDIOTS!!” shouted Warren. Once again, that voiceappeared saying
“Incorrect, Warren was a victim. Themurderer is still here.” Selina decided to talk with the group to be lesssuspicious of those who think it’s her for not speaking. It’s the next night,everyone is worried for themselves. They all went to sleep at the same time.Forgetting what will happen. The murderer is ready to go. Choosing who to kill,the host gave the murderer a machete for the next victim, to die.
“AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!” Screamed Rosie. No one heard due to their ears being blocked by the host onceagain. Sliced in half, with blood leaking from her body, Rosie laid on the bed.It smelt, like blood. It’s 11am, everyone is awake now. Some people had theirjaw dropped, seeing the sliced body. Others tried guessing who it could be.
“Ew, that is disgusting, terrifying, and horrible.”Said Serut.
“Yep…” Replied Kayden. James thoughtthat Denis is the murderer because the whole time, Denis has been watching James as he has been smiling suspiciouslythis whole time. But little did poor Denis know, James was only actingsuspicious to get killed, to escape from this horror.
“Guys, I think it is James, he has been smiling in aweird way this whole game, I know because
I’ve been watching him since Izzy died.” RemarkedDenis.
“Alright then, we’ll vote James out, if it isn’t him,we will vote Denis, you, out.” Said Bailey.
Denis nodded his head, scared if it is really James ornot. He did not want to die.
Masie has been shiveringthe whole time, hoping not to die, and to not be voted out and get killed. Finally, the time has come where James isvoted out. Denis prayed to god he was the murderer, because if not, he knew hewould be gone.
“Thank you Denis!” Said James. After James death, thevoice came to say, that it was incorrect.
“Well, that probably means we should vote Denis outsince James wasn’t it.” Said Katie.
“Yeah.” Replied Serut. They all wentto sleep, at 12am. The killer has been given a pistol to shoot the next person.The killer was just to shoot Katie to make Denis suspicious as Katie said Denisis the next one to be voted out, but the host has said that the killer is ableto kill 2 people this night. Only this night though. The killer has chosenKatie and Bailey. PEW PEW!! One shot in both of their chests, both of themdead. The pistol has disappeared like usual, and the killer went to bed. Onceeveryone woke up, they were all shocked thinking why two people died at night.Most of the people thought it was Denis, due to the fact Katie died and thatshe said Denis is next to be voted out.
“Hey guys, don’t youthink Denis is even more suspicious now? Katie has died and she said it shouldbe Denis next. It’s like Denis may have killed Katie in order to not get votedout. So we should definitely vote Denis out.” Stated Masie.
“True, that is pretty weird. We are sorry Denis. Maybenot all of us but like still” Replied
Micheal. Everyone voted for Denis and bye bye he said.
“Hate my life… I LOVE YOU MUM AND DAD!” Sobbed Denis. It was incorrect again. Everyone didn’t knowwhat to do. They were all so scared. So so scared…The night has shown, thepeople have gone to sleep and the killer has rose, it is time for someone else,someone else to die. Someone to go heaven, hell? Well, the killer have beengiven a butcher knife, to slice a brain off. The chosen victim to be next toheaven or hell is… Mike! Like a chickens head cut off, Mike’s brain was out ofhis body, with blood leaking everywhere on the bed, painting the bed red, he laid there, alone, with no one knowing he is dead, gone forever. Morning has arrived. No clues left. Everyone awakedeciding who to vote out, based on their actions, the people they think isoddly suspicious..
“Anna… I think it is her,every time she would wake up late, we all wake up 8am to 9am but she wakes up9am to 10am, don’t you guys think it is weird? Maybe she is not getting anysleep because she may be the killer and the killer has to be awake late to killsomeone I’m pretty sure. Maybe it’s Anna. Vote her, if it isn’t her, vote me…”Said Selina. Others agreed with Selina as Anna’s appearance did look odd.
“What! I look tired because I’m inbed till 12am scared if I will die! It is not me. Please…” Cried Anna. Adam replied saying that if it’s not Anna, she will get revenge on Selina for accusing her and she will die. Annadecided to agree, only for Selina to die. Anna has been voted out, the voicecomes and says Anna, was a victim.
“Vote me out next then. I don’t care. I hated my lifeanyways.” Said Selina.
“I’m sorry Selina, I hate this, it makes me cry,hoping not to die, love my parents a lot…”
Stated Masie. They both smiled at each other andhugged each other. They all went to sleep at
1am and it is currently2am, the killer has chosen to kill Selina, she said she hates life? How aboutending her life then, with a bat. Not just a usual bat though. It’s a bat, withsharp spikes on it. BASH!! Went the bat once hit to Selina’s head. The bat isgone, means it’s time to go to bed. They all slept peacefully, dreaming aboutlife with family, with friends, happy times. They will be ruined when they wakeup. 9am, everyone woke up sad their dreams are gone, and that reality is here.It was Masie who found the body. She was in tears.
“NOOO! SELINA… WHY DID THE MURDERERCHOOSE HER, WHY!?” Sobbed Masie. While Masie was flooding her bed with tears,Kayden accused Serut for not really helping the team.
“I want to vote Serutout, he is not helping us at all, only staring at us. Maybe he is checking usout to see who will be his next victim!!” Everyone voted Serut out and agreedto vote Kayden next if it isn’t Serut.
“Bye Serut!” Said Kayden happily.
“Stupid bum bums… It wasn’t me! Youwill regret this.” And that was Seruts last words until he was sliced into amillion pieces. It was incorrect once again. Next night, next victim to die.Lola has gone to heaven by being hit with a hammer, but it wasn’t the flatside, it was the sharp side. Back to bed, no clues here. Morning time comesback, and it is time to vote.
“Well it was Lola whodied I guess.” Said Adam. Ella wanted to vote Adam out, she thought he said itlike he wasn’t surprised, like he was the one to do it.
“Vote Adam! He isn’t even surprised Lola died, like hekilled Lola!” Ella exclaimed.
“WHAT.” Said Adam. No one knew who to vote so they allvoted Adam.
“Bye. Forever. Vote Ella!It isn’t me!!!!” Remarked Adam. Ella replied with a sigh. Thinking she is nextto die. Incorrect once again… Lilly was killed with an axe this night. It was9am when everyone was awake. Ella said Micheal. To vote him out.
“I’m so happy.” Said Micheal beforehe was going to be killed. Next night, the killer got a sword and cut! Ella wasdead, blood leaked from the top. There are two people left, Masie and Kayden.They both woke up at 9am.
“Wait… It’s us two only?” Asked Masie.
“It was me. I was themurderer. It’s time for you to DIE.” Said Masie, a knife appeared in her hand.Walking towards Kayden. On the wall, Kayden couldn’t run.
“I’m sorry. Goodbye.” Said Masie.Kayden screamed, so high pitched he sounded like a girl. Stabbed in his heart,he fell to the floor. Dying slowly. The game is over. It has ended. The onemillion money goes to Masie, the murderer. She was proud…
“I won! Yesss!!! It felt good killing them all. MaybeI’ll do it in the future. Hahaha!” Said
Masie, creepily.
Author, Naiyara Kibria