Published:  07:49 PM, 29 June 2024

"Cox's Bazar and Mermaid Kuakata are to be the most attractive tourist cities in the world"

Sangram Datta: Cox's Bazar has immense potential for tourism including the world's longest beach, Coral island St. Martins, Rocky beach Inani, Ramur Buddhist Monastery.  To excute this potential, more than three trillion money development projects are underway in Cox's Bazar.

 Where there are 25 mega projects including railway line, 1200 MW power plant, deep sea port, Sabrang tourism park and economic zone, 77 implementation works are going on.

 If implemented, the face of Cox's Bazar will change. The implementation of these projects will open the doors of immense potential in the economy and tourism of Bangladesh.

Cox's Bazar will one day become an international tourist center.  The people of the tourist capital are waiting for this dream to come true.

On the other hand, Cox's Bazar will develop as an international tourist center, it will be popular with domestic and foreign tourists, the image of Bangladesh will be bright for Cox's Bazar and Bangladesh will be financially self-sufficient.  The implementation of the current government's master plan around Cox's Bazar has started.

 Cox's Bazar Airport is being made international standard.  The plane will touch the sea and land in Cox's Bazar.  The plane will fly 24 hours a day and night.  Which is the biggest advertisement of Bangladesh in the tourism sector in the international arena.

 Bebichak sources said that the runway being built on sea level for the first time in the country will be the biggest in the country.  Its construction cost is estimated at 1 thousand 568 crore 86 lakh taka.  All of which is funded by the Civil Aviation Authority (CABA).  If the airport is upgraded to international standards, there will be a revolutionary change in the tourism and economic development of Cox's Bazar.

To develop the tourism of Cox's Bazar and exploit the potential of deep-sea port-based trade, rail communication is also being established with the whole country including Dhaka and Chittagong.  Very soon revolutionary changes will come in the communication system of the southern district of Cox's Bazar.  This will create new possibilities in the tourism industry.

 Not only the communication infrastructure, but as a major game changer for the country's economy, a deep sea port is being constructed at Matarbari, Maheshkhali, Cox's Bazar district, the largest bay in the world - Bay of Bengal.  The Matarbari deep sea port, which will be built on the model of Japan's Kashima port, will become the controller of South Asian trade with ASEAN, the world's largest economic alliance, including China, which is the main import point of Bangladesh.

 When the construction of Kashima Port began in 1962, the area was a paddy field.  After the construction of the port, it became the center of trade and commerce.  Those concerned hope that Matarbari deep sea port will also become a center of such trade.

 Those concerned say that the government is implementing a grand plan around Cox's Bazar to build it on the model of island-based economic hubs including Singapore, Hong Kong, besides exploiting the tourism potential.

Apart from building a modern international airport and rail link, economic zone, electrical hub, the country's first island-based tourism park is being built in Cox's Bazar.  Also, 77 implementation works are underway around Cox's Bazar including 25 mega projects including airport, railway line, 1200 MW power plant, deep sea port, Sabrang tourism park and economic zone.  The amount of investment in these projects is more than three lakh crore rupees.  Which is one and a half times the total amount allocated by the government in the annual development program in a year.

 Eco tourism is being done in Sabrang, Naf and Sonadia to attract foreigners - this sea city full of natural beauty, 60-70 lakh tourists visit Cox's Bazar every year, but the number of foreign tourists is very less.  So this time Sabrang of Teknaf, Naf and Sonadia Island of Maheshkhali are being decorated to attract foreigners.  There Bangladesh Economic Zone Authority is building the first island-based tourism-based economic zone in the country.

 Sabrang Tourism Park will have 5-star hotels, eco-tourism, marine aquarium and sea-cruise, special reserved area for foreign tourists, special arrangements for travel to St. Martin, floating jetty, children's park, eco-cottage, oceanarium, underwater restaurant, floating restaurant, etc.  Variety of entertainment facilities.  Besides, work is underway to establish Naf Tourism Park around Jaliar Island in the estuary of Naf River near Teknaf town.  Mainly to attract foreign tourists, there will be various arrangements in this park including eco cottages, life entertainment theater, mega shopping mall, cinema hall, golf club, water sports beach like Maldives, Thailand.  There will be arrangements for camping in the evening under neon lights.  For the first time in the country, a cable car will be connected to this tourism park.  Tourists will rush from one end to another to see the beauty of the whole island from above.  There will also be a suspension bridge.
Besides, Beja has undertaken a project to set up an eco-tourism park at Samudra Dwip Sonadia.  The park is planned to be developed in phases over 9 years over an area of ​​8967 acres.  The total land area of ​​Sonadia Island is 9467 acres, which was settled by Beja from the Cox's Bazar district administration in 2017.  The feasibility study for establishing a tourism park on the island has been completed.

Marine drive road has been completed in Cox's Bazar, international airport and rail line projects are in final stages.  Investment work of more than three lakh crore rupees including deep sea port, LNG terminal, economic zone is going on.  Once these projects are completed, the region will become one of the economic hubs of South Asia within the next 5-6 years.

Kuakata beach is a beach in southern part of Bangladesh located in Kalapara upazila of Patuakhali district.  This beach is 18 km (11 mi) long and 3 km (1.9 mi) wide.

 In addition to the Kuakata beach, which is famous for its mermaid, there are four other beaches in the southern region that are eye-catching.  The names of these beaches surrounded by the river are Jahazmara, Tufania, Sonarchar and Char Hare.  The geographical location of four beaches surrounded by immense potential for tourism is the meeting place of river and sea in Dwip Upazila Rangabali of Patuakhali.

 While there is immense potential for tourism, there are also some problems.  Among them, the mangrove forest area of ​​Rangabali is the largest forest area after the Sundarbans in terms of area and is connected to the vast coral beach of Sonarchar.  There is no lack of beauty in 'Jahajmara' island.  The geographical location of this island is in Maudubi Union of Rangabali Upazila.  There are two other islands near Jahazmara.  One is called 'Tufania' and the other is called 'Charhair' which has an intense green color.  Countless flocks of red crabs are found on the beach.  There is a long beach forest area of ​​the forest department and a fleet of fishing boats.

 The 12 km long beach has a sustainable embankment, marine drive, afforestation, life guard station, public toilets, automotive lockers and a small power plant, among others.  If this project is implemented, Kuakata will be a beach of international standard.

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